Nothing quite sends your blood pressure in the wrong direction than a dodgy Wi-Fi network on a busy day at work. Connectivity that’s so powerful you don’t even notice it is key to a successful workplace. When you have Wi-Fi devices with poor coverage and limited...
Never before has the importance of business telecommunications been more apparent. They’re advancing at a brisk pace, fuelled by a rapidly evolving internet. No longer are we restricted to a simple voice call, today our sophisticated systems integrate voice, data and...
Our Client A successful mid-tier mining corporation, our client has a head office in Brisbane and a mine site in remote Far North Queensland. It’s SD-WAN job to keep their IT network and connectivity at a world-class standard. We achieve this through high levels...
The Client Our client is Australia’s largest family operated food service network. They have over 70 distribution sites around the country, employing over 2600 staff and serving approximately 55,000 customers. Their fleet of over 700 trucks delivers dry goods, frozen...
We get to deal with some cool tech in the industrial projects industry. One hotly anticipated piece of game-changing communications equipment has been Starlink, the high-speed remote internet solution from none other than Elon Musk. So you can imagine our excitement...
Enviroconnect is located just around the corner from Hemmant and the Port of Brisbane, so we’re well positioned to deal with dock, shipping and yacht IT and connectivity needs. Occasionally these forays into maritime internet and communications take us a bit further...